Government Gold Maps DVD Offer

*** H u n t i n g  F o r  G o l d  S p e c i a l ***

ATTENTION: NEW PROSPECTORS: Once you see how EASY this is, you’ll wonder why you have been waiting…

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

From: Prospector Jess – (P.J.)

Re: How to find gold in your Lazy-Boy chair before you ever leave home.

Dear Friend,

If you prospect 100 miles from where the gold is or 100 feet for that matter your only discovery will be FRUSTRATION.

Did you know that the US Government will TELL you the exact location of every gold find on EARTH for free… if you know where to look?

Have you ever wondered why some prospectors always come home with nuggets in their pockets while others just have skinned knees and sore backs to show for a weekend of panning?

Are you stuck because you simply don’t know WHERE to prospect?

Most prospectors are…

I Totally Understand

It’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million opinions and got a lot free advice (usually worth about what you paid for it) and you are more confused than ever…

That’s OK. This is what I do, I can help you.

The Best System For Finding Gold

In The World

You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on prospecting spend HOURS interviewing industry insiders, and actually go out in the field and DO this stuff like I have.


Watch this simple DVD that condenses down everything I’ve learned about locating bonanza sites into a 41 minute video.

No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to make your own gold maps so you can find gold your very next trip.

Here’s Just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover…

  • How to Get to the Government’s Free Online Gold Mapping Tool
  • How this simple, easy to use software (available for free from Google) allows you to export and save these proven gold locations to your own computer with exact coordinates with only 15 minutes of work.
  • How to actually make sense of the data so you don’t get overwhelmed by numbers (No one else does this!)
  • Why water and topology are crucial to determining successful gold prospecting locations, and how to use them so you quickly pick out the right spots with out any extra effort.
  • Where to look to determine the quality of gold that was mined from any location so you know what kind of mining gear you will need.
  • How to use this system to find gold locations even outside the U.S.A. so you can find gold regardless of where you live!
  • How to take all your data and translate it into useful, practical information so you can pinpoint the exact area you will be mining.
  • And much, much more…

I Can’t Take Credit For The System

I consulted EVERYBODY that I knew who was a success at finding gold, read everything available on the subject of “gold prospecting” and then added my own personal experiences to develop this system…

Don’t let the size (Just 41 minutes) fool you. Over 100 hours of research and field work went into this project.

It is truly the best of the best there is, and the system is simple and FAST to learn so you can implement this information immediately.

Why Pioneers Get Scalped

There is an old saying in business “Pioneers get scalped but settlers prosper” Think about it, before you go out and try this on your own.

Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is when you follow a proven system of dozens of “Pioneers” before you that made 1000 costly mistakes before being successful at locating gold pay-streaks.


  • Pinpointing exactly where gold has been found before
  • Using these on-line tools to create real, usable gold maps – in just a few minutes of work
  • Doing all the research from the comfort of your home
  • Looking at the data you gathered and knowing exactly where to start looking for gold
  • Easily reading your map and spotting potential starting points just by looking at map topology and contours
  • Having access to every gold mining location recorded and documented by the United States Government!
  • Accessing not only proven gold locations in the entire United States, but international gold sites as well
  • And that’s just the beginning!

Here is the Real Proof

“Once again thanks for all the help and videos Jess…”

“Every time I watch your videos and /or postings they help tremendously in the mining process…

I always find more gold after paying close attention and applying what I’ve learned. This is my second season and I’ve collected about a 1/4 ounce in about 18 hrs. worth of work. From knowing nothing to seeing beautiful color in my pan…mind you I’m using no more than a keene sluice and a blue pan..and the results are amazing…”



“Great video series … thanks for putting it together. I hadn’t known about the Helical effect before … learned something new.



“Hi PJ,”

“Well, tomorrow came early! I was just about to close the page when I noticed a few more video’s on this page and found the rest of the series. 🙂

Very happy with what I saw! Thank you very much. It’s like Christmas…”



“Hi Jess,”

I don’t think that there is anything more enjoyable in the outdoors than hunting for gold. Unless it’s hunting for gold with all of your family. When we sample is about the only time that we pan…

Jess is so right on when it comes to sun screen or oil of any kind in the pan or on your hands. You won’t believe how the small gold floats. I’ve been really impressed with Prospector Jess and his videos and have learned a great deal from him.”



“Hi Prospector Jess,”

“I really liked the videos outlining how to track a pay streak in the river curves. I am about one year into prospecting and this revelation really tweaked it in for me.



Why It’s Just $49

I’m only charging $49 for this DVD Video, and not giving this DVD Video away, for 3 reasons.

  1. $49 puts the DVD Video within reach of the vast majority of people. It’s not too expensive for even the humblest beginning prospector.

  2. If Anyone who is not serious enough to put down the price of a dinner for 2 and buy this DVD Video on gold prospecting, I really can’t even understand.

  3. Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a fast food dinner and buy this DVD Video has the opportunity to discover a gold bonanza.

If you’re thinking, “$49 is so cheap! What’s the catch?”, then you really need to get this Video! It explains how you can create accurate gold mining maps where gold is nearest to you, and why you need to seriously think about using your gold maps to find gold today!

So if you’re serious about joining the gold rush in 2016, and if you would like to start TODAY click the “Add to Cart” button below. If you need to justify the expense, skip going to McDonald’s or Starbucks twice this week and it’s paid for.

My “Double” You’ll LoveIt Guarantee

Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think my DVD Video isn’t the best $49 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your whole $49 big cash dollars.

Guarantee #2 If you actually DO what I recommend for you to do in the system and your results aren’t great, I’ll actually refund TWICE your money. All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.

How is that for fair?

Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to join now to get instant access to Government Gold Maps DVD Video Risk-Free for just $49…

YES! Give Me Instant Access

Today Only $49

Here’s what you do to order… Have your MasterCard, American Express or Visa ready and click the Big Orange Button below:

WARNING: You Will Make Mistakes

A man who represents himself in court has a FOOL for a lawyer and we all know that people who don’t read the instructions SCREW things up.

Get help before you try to create and read a gold map yourself or you could screw up big time and get STUCK in the WRONG PLACE without any Gold! …and when a full system is only $49 Bucks, you’d be pretty dumb not to grab it.

Either give up on this entire idea, or get this DVD Video, otherwise your sure to make mistakes, in areas you haven’t even thought of yet.

This 41 minute $49 DVD Video is the only thing standing between you and success as a Gold Prospector

Click here to get your copy of Government Gold Maps for just $49

P.S. Remember, There is more real actionable information in this DVD Video than you’ll get reading a dozen books. The systems inside the DVD Video have worked for other people just like you, it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. It’s a no brainer.

Click here to get your copy of Government Gold Maps for just $49

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