Just how do you read a creek for gold clues?
What are the important things to start with when it comes to reading a creek and knowing the first few things that tell you where gold will be hiding?
In this little video snippet I describe the important things to start understanding about what your site is telling you regarding where gold was pushed and concentrated in the past.
By knowing these few things, you will begin to put together a picture in the form of a gold map of your site. A map that will tell you exactly what areas you need to focus on and where you can expect to likely start finding gold.
Anyway, take a look at this thing because it introduces you to an important outline of tips from the 20/20 Prospecting DVD video. And that directly relates to the 20/20 PDF report and the Helical Flow PDF Report.
20/20 Prospecting gives you the ability to have gold vision and read a creek for gold clues…