Gold Prospectors Worldwide Are Demanding MORE Of My Gold Finding Secrets!

Simply Because These Strategies Really Do Work:

Congratulations, Prospector!

You just took a big step towards quickly and easily finding gold. 


We are creating your customer account for you right now. You should get an email within the next 15 minutes telling you how to access your Government Gold Maps PDF Report. 


If you don’t see an email with links and instructions to access your order within 15 the next minutes, please check your spam folder for that email. You can contact support at at any time.

But.. don’t go anywhere just yet… you’re in the right place. Keep reading as you’re about to find out what gold prospectors around the world are doing to find more gold, far easier!

Now, quite frankly, there’s a big problem that hardly any gold prospecting experts on the Internet are even aware of…

There Are Natural “Gold Clues” That Reveal Where Gold Is Hiding!

Hi, I’m Prospector Jess. I’ve noticed that a lot of prospectors think all they need to find gold is a gold map of their hunting grounds. And while that’s somewhat true…

Unless you know what gold clues you should be looking for at your prospecting location … you’ll never load up your vials full of coarse gold or pocket hefty nuggets.

If you aren’t systematic about how you hunt for gold … you’ll miss the big gold paystreaks 99 times out of 100. There’s just too much ground to cover over a weekend of prospecting.

While your Government Gold Maps PDF Report WILL help you start your gold hunt … you also need to look for natural gold clues at your gold site so you know where to dig up that gold.

In fact: the most successful prospectors I’ve trained are finding 2x, 3x, even 5x more gold than everyone else!

Here’s What One Prospector Found After Using My Gold-Finding Techniques…

How are prospectors finding gold like that with ease? Are they panning through more material than everyone else? Nope. Are they prospecting on the richest gold claims? Not usually.

These successful prospectors go straight to the most profitable areas by using my proven methods … while side-stepping literally TONS of work and NOT having to dig in areas there’s no gold!

Simply Because They Listened To My Advice And Learned To Read Their Gold Site AND Their Maps

See, as a gold prospector with a college background in geology, engineering, and well over a decade of gold-finding experience, you can see why prospectors around the world are raving about my methods of finding gold.

I’ve taught thousands of gold prospectors how to find gold fast. Now they are finding more gold than ever before … and these same prospectors have been hounding me to reveal even more gold-finding secrets…

So… I filmed 5 videos for you that explain my most effective proven placer gold prospecting methods! I simplified everything into layman’s terms so now everyone can quickly and easily find gold and more of it.


I call these videos…

The Placer Gold Collection

The Placer Gold Collection reveals for the first time the proven prospecting knowledge that simply works… every time you apply it!

When you get the Placer Gold Collection you’ll be able to find the gold that exists at any gold prospecting location.

PLEASE NOTE: The Placer Gold Collection was not created for Lode miners. If you only drill tunnels and mineshafts underground, these videos probably aren’t for you … unless you’re looking for a new lode 🙂

However: if it’s placer gold you’re after… (that is, above-ground gold deposits) then these videos are exactly what you need to hit big paystreaks!

You can watch these videos at your own pace … from the comfort of your home … on any computer or smartphone with an Internet connection … whether you’ve NEVER prospected before OR even if you’ve been mining gold for decades.

Here’s What You’re Getting…

Video #1: Placer Vision

  • What “bathtub rings” are… how to identify them… and how they show the path is gold moving along at your site
  • The hidden natural clues that point to gold. These clues will help you quickly spot where gold is hiding!
  • What you need to be looking for to see extremely rich gold deposits that can be hiding right in plain sight!

Video #2: Placer Gold Deposits

  • How and where gold deposits form… and how this knowledge leads you right to gold!
  • What the D+D+D rule is and how to use this rule to discover rich gold paystreaks…  
  • 6 types of placer gold deposits you need to be looking for…
  • How to use nearby rocks to determine what size of gold you should expect to find in the surrounding area…
  • An easy way to use my sampling method to map out gold paystreaks … It’s so simple, a teenager can do it!

Video #3: High-Water Gold

  • How to “read” high-water markers to see where floods have pushed gold…
  • Which high-water currents and flow patterns determine where gold moves…
  • How to get the full picture of the watershed around your location that drives big gold right into your gold site.
  • Simple “water physics” that explains how and where water moves gold…in easy-to-understand layman’s terms…

Video #4: Speed-Gold Placers

  • How water speed moves gold (hint: it’s NOT about water pressure!)
  • How to see “speed traps” around your gold site…
  • How “zero-speed” water flow affects gold’s movement downstream…
  • Common patterns gold spreads into with fast water flows… and what to avoid at all cost…
  • What shapes and sizes of gold you’ll find in different areas of creeks and rivers… 
  • What makes gold float downstream… and where you’ll have to look for a specific common type of gold…

Video #5: Gold & Storms

  • Why and where storms concentrate placer gold… nobody teaches this anywhere else on the internet…
  • How to visualize where gold is traveling and the role streamlines and water depth play in gold concentration
  • How storms… flash floods… and even forest fires will “recharge” old overworked gold deposits…
  • How storm-cell clues will help you narrow in on where gold will be at your gold locations 
  • And a whole lot more…

Now… usually the Placer Gold Collection sells for $197.

However, since you just ordered the Government Gold Maps PDF report I want to really sweeten the deal for you…


So.. for today…


It’s just $97 for all five videos.


Yep, you get $100 OFF when you order today.


That’s only $19.40 for each video…


Which is hardly the price of a big green gold pan!


I don’t offer these videos at this price anywhere else.


And when you consider how much gold you’ll find because of the knowledge you’ve gained from the Placer Gold Collection… 


You can more than make back your $97 investment in increasing your prospecting skills … in a single day of prospecting!

Here’s a picture of a chunky gold nugget a novice prospector that I trained found on an afternoon at the creek.

Now, this size of gold nugget is a rare find, but it is possible to see them show up in your gold pan…

Especially when you follow what I teach.

You Risk NOTHING When You Get The Placer Gold Collection … Because You’re Fully Covered By Our Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee

On top of getting $100 OFF… when you order today … you get a full 30 days to test out what you’re learning in the Placer Gold Collection videos. 


If for some reason the Placer Gold Collection doesn’t meet your expectations, just send me an email and I’ll refund your money. 


I want you to be completely satisfied with your order. There’s no risk when you order now … and there’s plenty of gold to gain.


Click The Add To Cart Button Below 

And Get $100 OFF

Regular Price: $197

Now Only $97


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P.S – When you order today you get instant access to all 5 Placer Gold Collection videos for only $97 and your limited-time $100 OFF deep discount is automatically applied when you go ahead and order the Placer Gold Collection now. 


P.P.S – You have 30 days to watch the videos and test out what you learn. This means there’s literally no risk to order now. So why wait to order the Placer Gold Collection today… when there’s plenty of gold to gain! Go ahead; click the Add To Cart button NOW to get instant access to all 5 prospecting videos.. and take action to find more gold.


Click The Add To Cart Button Below And Get $100 OFF

Regular Price: $197

Now Only $97


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